Nonprofits, not-for-profit organizations, and foundations have taken advantage of the npo authority website to find donors with wealth using our tools. Wealth screening tools are available for free to these groups and we help them grow their assets with nonprofit fundraising ideas.
We provide free wealth screening tools for nonprofits. Matching a nonprofit’s messaging to the donor’s philanthropic attitudes with our wealth screening software will increase the number of contributions made by wealthy donors as well as increase total donations. Our charity authority reviews reveal if a nonprofit is trusted in its market or if it has lost credibility resulting in major losses in donations and overall revenue.
Wealth Screening Software Solutions
1. DonorSearch
Wealth Screening Software Overview
DonorSearch’s wealth screening software is the leading prospect research tool in the field.
For a comprehensive understanding of individuals’ wealth and philanthropic information, you can turn to the Integrated Search feature.
Not only that, but DonorSearch promises a quick turnaround: new prospect research lists are guaranteed to arrive in your account by the morning after your request is made.
For your convenience, DonorSearch will also batch screen prospects at any time during your contract term.
Why We Love This Wealth Screening Company
DonorSearch offers manual wealth screening by prospect research specialists to supplement their machine-generated results.
This brings the accuracy rate of their findings from 70% (the highest possible for machine-generated data) to 90%.
Spotlight Wealth Screening Tool
DonorSearch’s Live Audience Analytics feature is designed for public broadcasting and recommends a cultivation strategy tailor-made for your audience members and supporters.

2. Giveffect
Wealth Screening Software Overview
Giveffect searches through public records and consolidates data on traditional wealth markers such as philanthropic and political history, past giving records, and affiliations with other nonprofits.
Armed with this information, Giveffect creates comprehensive reports that detail a prospect’s wealth, income, stock transactions, and relationships with nonprofits and publicly held companies. In particular, Giveffect’s features are optimized for major gifts prospect stewardship.
Why We Love This Wealth Screening Company
Giveffect’s wealth screening feature is a part of their all-in-one software that includes nonprofit management automation and fundraising tools.
Spotlight Wealth Screening Tool
Giveffect also offers development tools designed for major gifts officers. Through Smart Automation wealth screening, you can identify prospects for major gifts as part of your prospect research process.

3. NPO Authority
Wealth Screening Software Overview
NPO Authority’s wealth screening is powered by DonorSearch, bumping NPO Authority’s accuracy to the same you get with DonorSearch’s software.
Users can submit batches of up to 1,000 prospect records at a time to NPO Authority for wealth indicator and philanthropic history screening, as well as planned giving prospect identification.
NPO Authority rates each profile on a scale of most to least likely to be a planned giver.
Plus, you can upload your own data into the system for more customized results.
Why We Love This Wealth Screening Company
NPO Authority offers highly detailed screening tools:
With their Integrated Search feature, users can screen profiles based on real estate records, nonprofit and corporate affiliations, stock transactions, and more.
Through their Gift Search feature, you can search for the giving histories of individuals, couples, foundations or organizations.
Spotlight Wealth Screening Tool
Using the Executive Analysis feature, you can easily visualize the giving potential of your prospects by generating detailed graphs.

Learn more about NPO Authority

4. InfoRich Group, Inc.
Wealth Screening Software Overview
InfoRich Group‘s wealth screening service scans over 25 databases at once.
Notably, InfoRich Group derives its prospect research from subscription-based, proprietary databases, providing you unique access to donor information.
With electronic wealth screening, you can quickly identify the best prospects in your donor pool and get a head start on your next fundraising campaign.
Why We Love This Wealth Screening Company
InfoRich Group will scan donor segments as small as 500 individuals or as large as 7,500.
Spotlight Wealth Screening Tool
With InfoRich’s wealth screening service, you can identify donors who may be good candidates for major giving or planned giving, as well as provide you with a better idea of what size gifts to solicit from individual donors.

Learn more about InfoRich Group

Wealth Screening Software Provider Overview
PROscreen, a subset of iWave’s umbrella service Prospect Research Online (PRO), focuses on both potential donors’ capacity to give and their inclinations toward your specific organization or industry. The PROscreen tool rates prospects on their likelihood and ability to give to your organization. As an added bonus, the software integrates with a few popular CRMs.
Best Features of iWave’s Screening Software
iWave doesn’t want you to wait around. To save time and gather the most well-rounded information possible, PRO pulls from a wide array of databases to collect specific subsets of information linked to statistical propensity for charitable giving:
- VeriGift, to better understand your prospect’s charitable giving history.
- The Federal Election Commission and Elections Canada, for political contributions.
- Thomson Reuters, diving into insider transactions and securities.
Fill out the online contact form to start a conversation about iWave and its products, including PROscreen.

Check out iWave’s PRO wealth screening software solutions.
5 Reasons to Avoid a Donor Wealth Screening
If you have worked for or with nonprofit organizations, you most likely know how important it is to have a deep understanding of donors when planning a fundraising program. One method of gaining better donor insights is by conducting a donor wealth screening. However, this process doesn’t always provide accurate data for targeting donors.
To better understand what donor wealth screening is, here’s a quick rundown of what it is and why you should avoid it.
What Is Donor Wealth Screening?
Donor wealth screening is a method for evaluating the assets of donors to determine their capacity to give. Common indicators used in the assessment are past giving history, involvement with nonprofit and charitable institutions, business affiliations, stock holdings, real estate ownership, and other wealth markers. Based on the data gathered from a wealth screening, organizations are able to decide who their major gift prospects are and how much they can request when asking for donations.
While donor wealth screening may appear to save time and energy by preventing the cultivation of donors who are unlikely or unable to give, this might not always be the case. Let’s dive into why you may want to rethink investing in a wealth screening.
5 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Donor Wealth Screening
1. Commissioning a donor wealth screening can be costly
Going through massive amounts of data is a gargantuan task. The data gathered during the screening process can be overwhelming. Unless you have a huge team or advanced analytics software, sifting through all the data can take forever, and can preoccupy a lot of your team’s time. You would be better off delegating more important tasks to your valuable staff.
If you have limited staff, as with most nonprofit organizations, you may be tempted to outsource donor wealth screening. However, this can be costly, and it won’t always give you the results you need. A better investment would be a donor database optimization or an advanced donor analytics tool.
2. Insights gathered can be limited
Wealth screenings will highlight your prospects that have the capacity to give. However, it cannot tell you why these people give and how you can inspire them to support your cause. You may know their financial capacity, but you will not know their motivations and driving force for giving donations. When you’re reaching out to donors, it is more important to know what’s in their hearts and how to capture it.
3. Inaccurate wealth screenings can result in inaccurate prospect scores
Prospect scores depend solely on the data being fed into the prospect scoring system. If inaccurate or unverified data is included, the scores will naturally be affected. This causes false positives, and you can end up asking too large of a sum from someone not capable of giving that amount or asking too little from someone who could have given more. By asking too much from someone, you are at risk of damaging the donor relationship.
4. The amount of wealth isn’t always directly proportional to giving
The capacity of a donor to give does not always correlate to the amount that they will give. Wealthy prospects aren’t always philanthropic. There are less wealthy donors that give surprisingly large amounts to causes they support deeply, and there are wealthy individuals who continue to grow their wealth because they choose not to donate. Wealth screening can’t accurately confirm a donor’s affinity to give. Instead of focusing on financial indicators, it would be more useful to look into your donor’s philanthropic history. This will show you the causes they have previously supported and help you assess whether they are likely to support your own cause.
5. Wealth screenings often use the same data that other nonprofits use
When you rely on wealth screening, you often end up contacting the same donors that dozens of other nonprofit organizations are reaching out to. If you put yourself in the donor’s shoes, you can see how overwhelming and annoying it would be to get dozens of calls for solicitation. If your only source for screening is wealth scoring, then you will likely be one of many nonprofits calling for donations. You are now directly competing with many other deserving charities in need. It is best to focus on identifying a donor’s affinity to give, so that you can avoid becoming a telemarketer in their eyes. Ultimately, donors give, and continue giving, because they care about your cause and supporting your mission.
The NPOSponsorsFree wealth screening software provides charities and non-profit organizations with the ability to invite their donors to self-evaluate their personal net worth. This software helps non-profit organizations remain transparent about how they utilize the assets of their donors, and offers fundraisers an engaging and special experience for their donors. The authority reviews supported by this free tool are designed to help non-profit organizations remain transparent about how they utilize the assets of their donors, and allows them to evaluate their fundraising efforts based on data from an authoritative source unlike with many other sources of information that claims to help you do the same.