The mantra to save money has been heard by all of us at some point in our lives. When we are young, we are often told to stop habitually spending our money at Starbucks, to bike without air conditioning (without air conditioning!? ), and to invest in the future… But what happens when you become “successful”? What are the thoughts of millionaires when it comes to their spending? Do they still watch their pennies or are they more generous with their dollars? Let’s take a look at 10 things millionaires do not spend money on.
There are a number of things that speak to the financial wealth of an individual. The most common items that fall into this category are fur coats, fine jewelry, and expensive watches. To be able to purchase these things, some poor people are ready to save their money for years or even take out loans to be able to afford these things. Rich people are, however, gradually ceasing to indicate their social status in this way throughout the world as a way to display their wealth.
Bright Side is a firm advocate of sensible spending, and that is why we are so passionate about pointing out symbols of wealth that are no longer in fashion. In spite of this fact, there are still a lot of people who do not realize this.
1. Being Employed Full-Time and Working Part-Time at The Same Time
It is impossible for anything in this world to be 100% true at all times. The future of each individual is determined by their own decision, and the only limitation to their own success is their own mind.
After reading a few books and living with a few millionaires, I have discovered that the majority of them are unemployed as a result of reading the books.
There are a few reasons why this is the case:
- There is no doubt that entrepreneurs spend a considerable amount of time analyzing and structuring their investments over the course of their careers.
- Entrepreneurs are rare individuals who take for granted the fact that they have a good financial situation. Therefore, they are always on the lookout for any unfavorable changes in the marketplace, and in order to address any of these changes, they have to dedicate considerable time and energy into taking care of their resources in order to deal with them.
- The fact is that no one else is going to take care of their finances for them, so it is up to them to manage their finances on their own.
- It is a well known fact that entrepreneurs are people who take on a lot of responsibilities and take a lot of risks. Get out of their comfort zone, get out of their comfort zone and create additional sources of income by getting out of their comfort zone.
Our schools teach us that in order to succeed in life and to get to where we want to be, we need to put in the hard work necessary. As Ric Edelman, one of the country’s leading financial advisors, points out, this is not all there is to it.
As an employee, you are used to receiving a salary from your employer on a regular basis. When your salary allows you to live comfortably, take vacations, pay your bills, and take care of your debts, it is unlikely that you would be looking for something else.
It is a well known fact that almost no one becomes a millionaire by saving money from an employee’s salary and investing it in their business. As a result of the fact that you only have one job, it is unlikely that you will be a millionaire in the near future.
The reality is that in my case, I spent four years of my life waiting for my salary to rise. I worked extra hours and gave my best to ensure that my salary would rise, but my bosses only raised my salary when I wanted to leave, not because I “deserved” it.
Despite the fact that I understand that bosses are not really concerned about the performance of their employees as long as those employees do their job properly, and if you work for a company that only cares about the bottom line, then you will not be able to earn any extra money for your efficiency.
Rather than waiting for a raise this year in order to make a substantial difference in my situation, I have decided that I will work only the necessary hours within the company and devote my time to personal projects instead of just waiting for a raise to make a substantial change in my situation.
Investing in the right projects and entrepreneurship resulted in an increase of 150% in my monthly income as a result of both activities. As a result of my investing experience over the past few years, I have learned a lot about how to invest, and I plan on becoming completely independent of my employer by 2021.
2. A lottery ticket is a ticket for a game of chance

It is very important to say that if you want to be rich, you should avoid playing the lottery if you want to strike it rich. A weekly trip to a convenience store lottery line to burn money in order to burn money is simply not something rich people do as part of their habit to burn money – and there is no doubt that this is a fast and sure way to burn money. It is estimated that one in 292 million people have the chance of winning the Powerball grand prize, which can be quite a lot. With odds like that, you have no chance of taking advantage of them.
If you do the math, you will find out that a Powerball ticket costs $2. It is likely that you will end up losing more than $400 over the course of a year if you buy two tickets every week – if you play twice a week and you buy two tickets every time you play – and you play for a year to the tune of two tickets every week.
It is important that you do not waste your hard-earned money on chance when you can put it to better use, such as saving for retirement or paying for college tuition, by putting it toward financial goals that will allow you to build wealth. Henderson stated that rich people are more likely to invest their money in other places for a variety of logical reasons. You might want to take this into consideration if you are thinking about it.
According to several studies, low-income people play the lottery much more often than people with higher incomes, who likely play only when the jackpots are large and there is a great deal of media attention surrounding the lottery.
3. Spending Money Rather Than Saving It
For example, if you deposit $1000 in a bank account that generates a 1% annual interest rate in January, then by the end of the year you will have made $10 in interest from the account by depositing the money. As an example, if you were to buy three shares of Netflix in January 2020, their value would be $324, it would be a different situation. As of right now, you would have earned a total of $580 as of right now.
Despite what many people believe, I am not advising you to put all your money into stocks; to make wise investments, you will need to analyze and understand the markets in order to make the right choices. As I have mentioned before, I am trying to make the point that you don’t have to keep your money in a savings account if you want to use it for something else besides saving.
In order to generate more income for tomorrow from what you save today from what you save today, you can use your savings in many different ways (and even in a safe way) so that you can have more money to spend today. My current investment is in the form of courses, for example. It is well known that one of the best ways to make money is by investing in knowledge.
I have not only learned how to invest wisely, but I have also tried different types of investments, like deposit certificates and shares, as part of my learning process.
This year, I have spent a total of $700 on courses that I have taken as part of my education. There was no doubt in my mind that the $2200 I was able to earn for improving my writing was well worth it. Despite the fact that I have spent $900 on my trading, I have made $3000 so far as a result of it.
I could have bought a new handbag if I had had the money in my bank account, but with new income sources available to me, I will be able to retire earlier than I would have otherwise.
4. Rates of interest on credit cards for credit cards
A credit card can be compared to a tub of ice cream you eat from when you use your card to make a purchase. Afterwards, you may feel that you overindulged, but the convenience is so compelling that it makes it impossible to resist, despite feeling a little guilty for overindulging. Certainly, it is easy to swipe the plastic – but if you swipe the plastic, then you won’t catch anyone accruing high interest charges on their credit card if they swipe the plastic. If you are going to spend money on something that is going to be a waste of time, then there is no need to waste it.
You can avoid paying interest on your debt if you transfer the debt to a credit card that offers an introductory APR of 0% for a set period of time. If you are interested in taking advantage of this offer, you only need to ensure that you pay off your balance before the promotional period ends.
In addition to consolidating any debt that is not deductible into a second mortgage or home equity line of credit, Henderson suggests you may be able to deduct some of your debt depending on your current situation.
You should live on less than you earn after you have paid off your debts. In his article, Henderson said that you can build wealth over time without having to rely on credit cards or other nondeductible debt if you save money regularly and systematically.
5. Decide what you want to achieve with your money
Having set goals has allowed me to travel twice a year every year, and at the age of 19, I bought my first car, at the age 22, I bought my first house, and at the age of 23, I bought my first apartment. It is important for me to have a budget for the coming year and figure out what I hope to accomplish with that budget in the beginning of the year.
This will allow me to work more passionately towards achieving my goals and keep my expenses down by not spending money on things that I don’t need.
Having a goal in mind is your best bet when it comes to saving and increasing your income. In order to save money, one must first have a clear understanding of what they are trying to achieve with their money.
Would you be interested in buying a house someday? Do you own a new car? Have you bought a new car recently? Would you like to travel around the world at some point in your life? In order to save for these goals, you can write them down so that you can keep track of them.
It is estimated that the majority of people who do not have a specific goal with their savings do not have even a dollar in their account because they have no goal. Living from day to day is what they do and they enjoy the moment. It is impossible to start working toward your financial goals if you do not know what they are.
6. Buying on impulse

Did you ever find yourself in a store intending to buy one thing, but you ended up buying a lot more than you originally intended to? I’m guessing that you bought a few extra items at the grocery store because they had a BOGO sale. It is possible that you bought designer shoes while shopping at your favorite clothing website during a flash sale. There is no doubt that the practice isn’t confined to the wealthy, regardless of the case may be.
In order to achieve success, someone must be a planner, and impulse purchases are not a part of that profile. In order to emulate their behavior, Leslie Tayne, author of Life and Debt, advises that you should be much more careful with your money in order to emulate their behavior.
In her advice, she suggested using an envelope system, bringing only a set amount to each store. By using this method, you will be able to stay within your budget and curb your impulse purchases and overspending habits in the future.”
7. Jay Leno refuses to spend on clothes
Despite the fact that Jay Leno is known for his passion for cars and his desire to collect them, you won’t find him shopping at a department store. According to the self-made millionaire, “I’m just not interested in clothes because they’re just not my thing.” “I just don’t consider them to be worth my money at all.” he added. All I want is to have enough clothing to cover legally what parts I have to cover in order to do what I am supposed to do.”
His financial philosophy has always been “really conservative,” he tells CNBC Make It, partly because he had Depression-era parents: “They just frightened me to death, saying, ‘You gotta save every penny!’ And I’m glad they did.”
Even after Leno started making millions, he didn’t change his money habits. He has yet to spend a dime of his “Tonight Show” money.
8. Graham Stephan hates buying coffee
Millionaire YouTuber Graham Stephan, who earns up to $220,000 a month from his channel, has a strong preference for making his coffee at home. “I think it is ridiculous that Starbucks, Coffee Bean and a lot of those places have such huge markups on their coffee, so I just make it at home for 20 cents,” he told CNBC Make It in an interview.
His favorite place to buy coffee is Smart & Final, where he can get a large bag for “about half the price” compared to other grocery stores.10:10How a 29-year-old YouTube millionaire in Los Angeles spends his money and time
As with Leno, he also doesn’t like to spend a lot of money on clothes: “Designer clothing is one of those things that I will never invest in for my wardrobe. There is no point in spending $700 on Gucci shoes when you can purchase similar shoes for one-hundredth the price at Aldo, Call It Spring or H&M. It makes no sense to buy expensive shoes when you can easily get them for one-tenth the price at the other places.
9. Barbara Corcoran won’t pay for first class
Since flying in a plane still feels like a privilege to many people, “Shark Tank” star Barbara Corcoran sticks exclusively to economy class when it comes to flying: “I’ll never spend a fortune on a first-class or business class ticket if I can avoid it.” Let’s just forget about it. As far as I am concerned, I am always in coach. That was just something I could not fathom justifying in my mind.”
That said, she tells CNBC Make It, “I have a routine that makes me feel better than everybody in first class.”
In addition, Corcoran, who made her fortune in real estate, is famous for her prepackaged gourmet meals that she brings on board with her. In addition to fresh fruit, fancy cheese, a baguette or croissant, she always brings a small bottle of wine, a beverage that she says she can’t bring through security, but that she can buy at Shake Shack in the airport if she needs it.
There is also a colorful, oversized napkin that serves as a tablecloth and the utensils that she will be using to prepare the meal. As she says, “When I sit here and open up my little gourmet meal, I have to tell you, it is much better than what anybody is going to get up to in business or first class,” she adds.
10. You Obsess Over Price—and Sacrifice Value
As much as we try to be frugal, sometimes our efforts end up sabotaging us as well: You buy cheap shoes for $50 instead of a good pair for $200 that will last longer. As an alternative, you may continue to repair your gas-guzzling, circa 1992 Volvo station wagon rather than spring for a new model in order to save money.
Rich people, however, have a different perspective on things.
Bush says that wealthy people are aware of the fact that the cheapest route is not always the most valuable one. “They have the option to take the long view and evaluate how what they are paying now compares to what they will be able to realize over time.”
Fixing the Get-Rich Problem
Changing your mindset from “find the lowest price” to “find the best value” is an important part of the solution. Then you have to work it out for yourself.
It is recommended that you look at both the “bargain” and the “value” options for whatever product you have in mind – whether it is a mortgage, a car loan, or anything else – and run the costs over a reasonable period of time for that purchase,” suggests Bush. The best way to decide which of the two works best for you is to compare both of these methods, taking into account your cash flow.
Let’s say for example, a car dealership offers a low interest rate or 0% interest rate on a vehicle if you finance it over a period of three years versus a higher interest rate if you finance it over five years. Is it possible to estimate what the total cost of owning the car will be over the course of seven to ten years if you plan to keep it for that period of time? A loan that is financed over a longer period of time will have a lower monthly payment, but it will cost you more in the long run. In this case, there is not as much short-term pain, but it gives you less savings to build a nest egg with in the long run.
Additionally, you should keep in mind that inherently, enlightening experiences are worth more than material goods. Tardy says that once you have an abundance of stuff, you quickly realize that you don’t need any more of it. A millionaire understands that having the experiences that will change you as a person will do more for you than just getting the newest iPhone, when the iPhone 5 worked just as well as it did before.” (By the way, Tardy knows several millionaires who still own the iPhone 4 today!)
Then devote your financial efforts towards creating more of the moments in which you feel the happiest and most alive-and you will see your happiness and sense of aliveness increase.
It was when I was a teenager that I started my first business. There was a lot of fear in me. My first thought was to start a business, but I didn’t know where to begin or how to start one. It was therefore imperative for me to spend considerable time researching, reading and educating myself in the field of entrepreneurship. My learning experience over the past few years has led me to recognize that most successful entrepreneurs have the same habits.