Dedicated hosting is the perfect way to start or grow your business. It’s affordable, secure, and can handle all of your website needs. Plus, with a dedicated host you get access to top-of-the-line features like bandwidth and CPU resources. That means you can concentrate on building your business, not worrying about monthly bills and resource contention. At the same time, dedicated hosts often come with exclusive deals that give you an edge over competitors. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today and learn how Dedicated Hosting can help grow your business!
Benefits of Dedicated Hosting Over Shared Hosting
Dedicated hosting is a type of hosting that allows businesses to own and manage their website, domain name, and other online assets all from one place. This can save businesses time and money in the process. For example, if you run a small business with limited resources, dedicated hosting could be your best option. In addition to saving time and money, dedicated hosters can offer a more user-friendly experience than shared hosts. Shared hosts allow businesses of all levels to connect with each other, but they can be less forgiving when it comes to security or stability issues.
Benefits of Dedicated Hosting Over Shared Hosting
So, what are the benefits of dedicated hosting over shared hosting? We can clearly answer that through a simple comparison on three major fronts: performance, security, and control. Let’s go over each of them.
Bandwidth & Disk Space
Shared Hosting: You are limited to the amount of bandwidth and disk space you can use since these are shared with other websites on the server. Unless specifically stated that the shared hosting plan carries unlimited bandwidth and storage, hosting providers typically charge clients who exceed their allotted amount.
Dedicated Hosting: Among the regular offerings of hosting providers for their dedicated hosting plans is unmetered or unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage or databases. Again this is made possible because there is no allotment limitation and sharing of bandwidth and disk space – resources which are solely for your use. You can build as much traffic or store as much data and files as you want without worries of surpassing the limit and paying extra.

Level of Security
Shared Hosting: Security issues are more likely to crop up with shared hosting because, for one thing, you have no way of knowing what kind of websites are with you aboard that server. If your neighboring website is engaged in unethical or illegal internet practices such as spamming or distributing copyrighted materials, then the server IP address can be blacklisted by search engines. Or worse, the entire server can be taken down by authorities. In another possible scenario, although hosting providers normally install firewalls and other security applications on shared servers, it only takes one erroneous script or one malware on one website to affect the whole shared server and send it crashing together with all other websites it hosts, including yours.
Dedicated Hosting: There is less risk and more security since you’re the only one using the server. You can run any type of scripts and software, and deploy security measures like firewalls and anti-virus to suit your requirements. You get to tailor your security configurations on top of what hosting companies provide for dedicated servers including 24/7 network monitoring, security audits, scanning systems, and updates and backups, among others. These are alongside rigid security implemented by hosting companies on their physical server facilities and data centers.
Level of Performance
Shared Hosting: This will always have performance limitations because the server’s resources are used to run several websites simultaneously. Hence, you can never be sure how you website performs and, in relation to that, how you website fares when it comes to the user experience of your visitor. Even if a vendor professes 5X loading speed, this may not be the case in the real-world like for instance if a website that shares your server experiences heavy traffic, more server resources such as bandwidth may be devoted to that website and your website may suffer critical lag. Two to three seconds delay in loading time is enough for visitors to abandon your website. Another thing, some shared hosting providers charge for additional bandwidth consumed which means extra cost if it’s you who experience spikes in traffic.
Dedicated Hosting: The above-shared hosting scenario is a non-issue on a dedicated server because you are not sharing resources. Whether you have thousands of visitors or a few, you can provide a great experience to your visitors with fast response and loading times since all the server’s resources – processing power, RAM, bandwidth, storage, etc. – go to handle everything solely for your website.
Level of Control
Shared Hosting: This is ideal for website owners who don’t have expertise on the technical side of things as the hosting provider will take care of the backend side to maintain your website. This, however, removes from you sufficient control over the types of files and scripts that you can use which means you can’t employ sophisticated features and advanced applications to run your website. That may be alright if you want the economical option of having your website run on basic functionalities. But that may not be the optimum situation for an ecommerce or business website that needs more robust or expanded functions such integration with other apps, plugins and extensions.
Dedicated Hosting: You have greater control over the server to customize and extend the functionality of your website. You can put in your preferred scripts, programs, and applications. As mentioned earlier, you can add your own security measures. You’ll even have control over your server resources. These will require you to have some technical knowledge to run a variety of software or scripting languages. You are the webmaster who can customize your server and website environment to match your specific needs.
In some situations, providers offer full root access to the dedicated server, enabling you to further customize it. With no other cohabitants on the server, you have the freedom and flexibility to configure it the way you want it. If you lack the necessary technical expertise, you can opt for a dedicated “managed hosting” where the hosting provider’s team will do the work for you, which usually entail additional cost. Some providers tuck in free server management as part of their dedicated server plans.
Benefits Of Dedicated Server

A dedicated server enables a business to set up a workload-optimal IT environment and be in complete control of the hosting setup. These single-tenant servers are an upgrade from shared hosting in every regard, with notable improvements in performance, reliability, scalability, and security.
This article presents 10 dedicated server benefits that make this hosting model the go-to option for companies with advanced hosting needs. Read on to learn what you can gain from this server type and see how dedicated hosting can take your company to the next level.
Server resources are not shared
When you choose a dedicated hosting provider, you get the full resources of single server. You don’t need to worry about other websites clogging up the server’s CPU and RAM. With a dedicated server, you can be sure that bad scripts running on another website or spikes in bandwidth usage won’t slow your server down.
No Maintenance or Purchase Cost
There are no expenses for purchasing or maintaining hardware equipment.
If a company needs a dedicated server but doesn’t have the time or resources to run one, dedicated web hosting is a low-cost way to have the power of a whole server. A dedicated hosting service covers the costs of building and maintaining server equipment, cutting the cost of server space, and enhancing the return on investment for a business.
Enhanced performance and security
Choosing a dedicated hosting provider guarantees maximum uptime for your website. Shared hosting is often best for websites with low to medium traffic. If your website receives a lot traffic,though, dedicated servers provide more stability and reliability than shared hosting.
With a dedicated server, you can also be sure that you aren’t sharing space with a malicious website or a potential spammer. Dedicated hosting allows enhanced security, particularly important for companies handling sensitive transactions over FTP or SSL.
Fast Load Speed
More available resources enable elements to load faster. Whatever you host on a dedicated server, the software will be quicker than in a shared hosting environment.
Website speed is one of the key SEO factors Google uses to determine search engine ranking, so a fast website will help push your business higher in search results. Currently, page one results on Google load in 1.19 seconds, while page two results load in 1.29 seconds. The most effective way for a complex website to achieve these speeds is to rely on a dedicated server.
Speed also has a direct impact on your bottom line. Site speed is vital to conversion rates, as illustrated by the following numbers:
- Every second added onto your load time results in 7% fewer conversions.
- A one-second delay in response time can result in 11% fewer page views.
- Nearly 40 percent of shoppers leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load fully.
- Around 46% of people who abandon an online shopping cart cite slow website speed as the reason for leaving.
The speed of dedicated hosting also enables you to add custom features to your website (video streaming, MP3s, animations, etc.) without long loading times.
Offers a Greater Degree of Reliability
The performance of your site gets affected by other sites on the server in shared hosting. If one of your neighbors’ sites attracts a lot of traffic, it will affect your site’s performance as well. It will, for example, cause your website to load slowly. A slow site is a turn-off for your visitors and harms SEO.
Because you will not be sharing the server’s resources with any other website, this problem will not arise with dedicated hosting. Furthermore, dedicated hosting provides the highest level of website reliability, performance, and security.
A dedicated server allows a client the flexibility of customizing the server to the clients unique needs for CPU, RAM, disk space and software. With shared hosting, a customer is limited to the applications, software and operating environment already loaded on the server. They may either offer software a client doesn’t need or lack things that they do.
A dedicated server allows organizations a customizable server environment that fits their needs. They can choose the platform and software they really need, allowing more control over how their dedicated server is configured.
Server Customization
Whether you are renting, colocating, or running a dedicated server in-house, you have total control over the hosting environment. You can adjust hardware specifications to your use case, which is not an option when using a shared server. You can also customize the server’s software, which enables you to:
- Install any OS, tool, and app you require.
- Configure the server to meet the needs of your use case.
- Set up and use any resource control system.
- Deploy ideal security and data backup measures.
- Control the way users interact with the server.
Besides hardware flexibility and root access to the server, you can also enable a web admin to script in any language they prefer.
The customization does not end at deployment. As your needs evolve, the flexibility of the server enables you to make changes to the hosting setup by adding new components and capabilities. The freedom to adjust the server to your current needs is vital to your company’s ability to adapt to new opportunities or unexpected market changes.

Offers Quick Customization
Dedicated servers allow customization to meet your specific needs by combining the right amount of processing power and storage. Servers may be modified in diverse ways, ensuring that you obtain the exact hardware that fits your requirements. A dedicated server delivers the scalability that many customers want from a long-term hosting service because their computing demands are likely to change over time.
Unique IP address
Each server has it’s own unique IP address. With shared hosting, that means that you are also sharing an IP address with multiple other websites. If one of your neighbors is a spam site or an adult site, this could mean having your websites’ rank pushed down.
With dedicated hosting, you have a dedicated server, which means your own unique IP address. This is especially important if you are a large running an e-commerce site that requires SSL for credit card processing.
High Levels of Scalability
Providers enable you to adapt your dedicated server’s hardware at any time. You can request more processing power, storage space, or bandwidth, and the vendor will adjust the server to meet the new requirements.
Depending on your current needs, a dedicated server enables you to scale both up and down. However, when you request a setup update, the IT team needs time to procure parts, build the configuration, and set it up. Some custom configurations may take several hours to deploy, or even days if you have an on-prem server.
To max out this dedicated server benefit, you must carefully schedule your scaling plans. Align server changes with your business plan instead of regularly adding and removing components while causing unnecessary downtime.
No overhead for purchasing or maintaining equipment
If a company needs a dedicated server, but doesn’t have the time or resources to manage a server themselves, dedicated hosting is a low-cost way to access the resources of a full server. A dedicated hosting provider handles the cost of building and maintaining server equipment, reducing the overhead for a business purchasing server space, and improving their return on investment.
These advantages come with a cost, however. Shared hosting is the cheapest way for a business to run it’s website, and dedicated hosting is far more expensive in comparison. But sites that deal with a lot of traffic, or have strict needs for customization and security, may find that a dedicated hosting provider is their best option.
How to Get Started with Dedicated Hosting.
In order to get started with Dedicated Hosting, you’ll first need to research the best options. This can involve researching host service providers, configure your own hosting server, and use it for your business purposes.
Configure Your Own Hosting Server
Since Dedicated Hosting is a dedicated service, it requires a custom server in order to run properly. You can find these servers for under $50 per month, making them an excellent option for businesses of all levels.
Use Dedicated Hosting to Expand Your Business
Once you have a custom hosting server set up and running, you can begin using it for your business purposes. To do this, you’ll first need to create an account with one of the many host services providers available online. Once logged in, you’ll be able to access different tools and features available on their websites that can help improve your business operations.
Dedicated Hosting can help businesses of all levels grow. By using a dedicated hosting server, you can increase your business’s growth and save time and money. Additionally, Dedicated Hosting can help you expand your business by using it to create their own hosting server. By researching the best options and configuration, you can get started with Dedicated Hosting today!