We have created this site to help gamers as well as newbie computer users about the software that available on the internet for making music online or for video games. These top best software that we have selected from hundred of website is based on three different aspect of each editor, those are: popularity, functions and price.
In this article, I’m going to discuss the best software for video game music, as well as tools that will let you make video game music online. In a nutshell, I’ll be focusing on the best video game tracker and video game sequencer to use as a beginner, as well as some more advanced pieces of software for the more seasoned musician.
All of the media on Freesound is released under Creative Commons licenses, meaning that they are free to use for creative purposes. You will be able to browse through their extensive list of sound effects, bleeps, and other unique audio components that you can add to your game. All of the media will be either .wav, .ogg, .flac, .fla, or .mp3 and you can easily browse through their selection based on the file type that you’re interested in. There are other search parameters as well such as genres, licenses, top downloaded, and most recently added. When you find a sound effect that you’re interested in you can also view other sound effects that will sound similar.
Indie Game Music
The main purpose of Indie Game Music is to give independent game developers the audio content that they need to make their games. The website owner, Roald Strauss went through the motions as a game developer and realized that there weren’t as many resources for the audio files he needed so he created the website. You can easily get free music for your games without having to worry about any fine print.
If you’re working with your own sound and audio, Audacity may be just the thing that you’re looking for. You won’t be able to sort through a collection of different sound effects and music, instead it’s an open source program that allows you to edit and record sounds of your own. Most of the features on the program are equivalent to those that you would find in top-tier expensive audio editors and recorders. Whether you make your own sounds or edit recordings that you have found elsewhere, the options are endless.
The sound effects available on SoundBible’s website are entirely royalty free and you can use them for both personal and commercial purposes without having to pay a cent. You may have to give credit to the creator, depending on what the creative license says but you can find more information with each audio recording that you look at. The clips are available in either .mp3 or .wav. The best way to find the audio clips that you’re looking for is to sort through their selection by tag. Some of their most popular sound effects include: laughter, fighting, and machines.

Wwise is the most advanced, feature-rich interactive audio solution for games. Whether you’re an indie developer or a huge corporate, Wwise can work for everyone.
It features an audio authoring tool and a cross-platform sound engine, allows for on-the-fly audio authoring directly in game. You can create, audition, and tweak sound effects and behaviors while the game is being played.
- Developer: Audiokinetic
- Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows, Mac, Playstation, Xbox and more
- Unity Support: Yes
- Games: Dirt Rally, Overwatch, Lucky’s Tale, EVE: Valkyrie
- Pricing: Free. Paid plans start at $750.

FMOD is a sound effects engine for video games and applications that play and mix sound files of diverse formats on many operating systems.
With an intuitive visual interface, efficient workflow, and powerful collaboration tools, FMOD makes it easy to get rich interactive audio into your game. It also allows multiple team members to work on the same project at the same time.
- Developer: Firelight Technologies
- Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows, Mac, Linux, Playstation, Xbox, Wii and more
- Unity Support: Yes
- Games: World of Warcraft, Guitar Hero III, Need for Speed: Shift, BioShock
- Pricing: Free. Paid plans start at $5,000.

Fabric offers many audio features and custom user interfaces that allow developers to design great audio entirely within Unity. Its nested component hierarchy allows users to create complex audio structures and combined with its event based system, Fabric reduces dependency on programmers, giving more power to sound designers to work independently.
It provides a number of integrations with third party technologies, audio assets with complex behaviors ready to be used in games, as well as many extensions that can be added for additional functionality.
- Developer: Tazman-Audio
- Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, PlayStation, Xbox, Wii and more
- Unity Support: Yes
- Games: Star Wars Uprising, The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land, Hue
- Pricing: Free. Paid Plans start at $1,500.
Unity’s Asset Store
Unity is an incredibly popular game engine for independent developers and they also offer an asset store that will give you everything that you need to perfect your game. They have a collection of free sound effects, ambient sounds, and music. There are also many audio files that you can browse through entirely for free. You can download all of the audio files directly through the software, which is quite convenient.
Open Game Art
Open Game Art is an all-inclusive tool that game developers can use to their advantage for much more than audio media. You can also take a look at their 2D and 3D art and textures for your game. They have an extensive library of sound effects and music that was developed from many different artists. You can take a look at the specific audio files that you’d be interested in by searching through the licenses and tags.
Kenney’s Free Audio Resources
There are hundreds of different game resources available on the Kenney website. Some of these resources include audio files that you can get in different packs. The packs are organized by the category of sound, for example casino audio, UI audio, or RPG audio. You would be surprised at the tunes that you would recognize from this website as they are commonly used by industry professionals and underground developers alike.
Spatial Workstation (3DCeption)

The Facebook 360 Spatial Workstation is a software suite for designing spatial audio for 360 video and cinematic VR. It includes plugins for popular audio workstations, a time synchronized 360 video player, and utilities to help design and publish spatial audio in a variety of formats.
- Developer: Facebook 360 (Two Big Ears previously)
- Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, and more
- Unity Support: Yes
- Pricing: Free
Miles Sound System

The Miles Sound System is one of the most popular, sophisticated, most robust, and most fully featured sound systems for games out there. It has been licensed for over 6,000 games on 18 different platforms.
It offers a full-on toolset that integrates high-level sound authoring with 2D and 3D digital audio, featuring streaming, environmental and convolution reverb, multistage DSP filtering, and multichannel mixing, and highly-optimized audio decoders.
- Developer: Rad Game Tools
- Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, Playstation, Xbox, Wii and more
- Games: Silent Storm: Sentinels, Metal of Honor Allied Assault, Duke Nukem Forever
- Pricing: Based on request (per game per platform)

Nuendo established a new milestone in game audio production with the introduction of Game Audio Connect that first enabled transferring audio files to Wwise. It also allows you to transfer interactive sections of your compositions from Nuendo as music segments into Wwise, including audio and MIDI tracks as well as cycle and cue markers, opening up a whole new dimension for game sound composing.
You can also create Nuendo projects directly from Wwise segments, effectively allowing you to use Nuendo as a MIDI editor for Wwise.
- Developer: Steinberg Media Technologies
- Platforms: Windows, Mac
- Plugins: WWise
- Games: Pokemon Black & White, Tron: Evolution
- Pricing: Software at €249
Are you a video game music composer or aspiring to become one? Then, this blog post is for you because it lists down the best free and paid tools for making video game music. These tools will assist you in composing and arranging your own masterpiece in an efficient way because all of these tools offer certain features to enjoy.