In today’s world, there is so much information available on the internet that almost anyone can find anything they are looking for. PDF files are commonly used to present information in a professional-looking format whether on lab reports, documents or financial results. Many people may want to learn about best free pdf editor for mac and also about best pdf editor for mac software completely free with which they can edit pdf files. You can check reading this article to find out more about best pdf editor for mac software for mac completely free.
The demand for pdf editing software increases with the evolution of the internet. It is a kind of specialized software that provides users with higher security and data preservation features. Therefore, people who have a Mac computer can be entitled to have this software in order to edit pdf on mac. This type of software is primarily designed to edit various kinds of documents and make these documents easy to read or edit by various means. It comes with various additional applications and functions that are used to keep the data safe from any kind of corruption or deletion. Therefore, if you want to learn about best pdf editor software for mac, then it is must for you to read this article carefully.
When it comes to the best pdf editor software for mac, it depends on what you need from to best pdf editor for mac. There are several great programs out there and you will be able to find the one that is right for your business and it’s size.
Here we will be looking at the best pdf editor for mac. With this software, it becomes much easier to edit pdf files for content and graphics. These apps range from software with features that can’t be found in other apps, to very basic features so users can have a simple interface. Users can also find completely free programs and those that cost money.
What Is PDF Editor & Reader Software?
Most PDF readers and editors allow you to not only view PDFs but edit, annotate, convert and do pretty much anything you can with other document formats.
For businesses, PDF reader software can boost productivity by improving and streamlining your document management workflow.
Some of the most common uses of PDF reader software are to:
- Read, create, edit, and organize PDFs
- Combine multiple PDFs into one document
- Create PDF forms that can be filled-in
- Convert PDFs to another format such as for use in Microsoft Office
- Secure documents by encrypting or password protecting PDFs
- Collaborate on and approve PDFs
- Digitize paper documents and perform OCR scans
- Compare PDFs and other documents in different formats
- Sign PDFs
- Automate digitization of files to go paperless and manage documents
PDFescape Online PDF Editor
What We Like
- Works online through your web browser.
- Includes lots of tools.
- Lets you add your own text and images.
- Can delete and add PDF pages.
What We Don’t Like
- Can’t edit existing text, unless you pay.
- Limits the PDF size and page length.
- Documents stored in your account remain there only for 7 days.
PDFescape has quite a lot of features. It’s free as long as the document doesn’t exceed 100 pages or 10 MB.
You can’t truly change text or edit images for free using this editor, but you can add your own text, images, links, form fields, etc.
The text tool is very customizable so that you can pick your own size, font type, color, alignment, and apply effects such as bolding, underlining, and italics.
You also can draw on the PDF, add sticky notes, strikethrough text, put white space over anything you want to disappear, and insert lines, checkmarks, arrows, ovals, circles, rectangles, and comments.
PDFescape lets you delete individual pages from the PDF, rotate pages, crop out parts of a page, reorganize the order of the pages, and add more pages from other PDFs.
You can upload your own PDF file, paste the URL to an online PDF, and make your own PDF from scratch.
When finished editing, you can download the PDF to your computer without ever having to make a user account. You need one only if you want to save your progress online without downloading the PDF.
The online version works in all operating systems. There’s also an offline editor that runs on Windows, but it isn’t free.
Smallpdf Online PDF Editor
What We Like
- Is completely free.
- Lets you add more text to the PDF.
- Can put white space over areas you want to erase.
- Supports importing shapes.
- Can load and save PDFs from various sources.
What We Don’t Like
- Doesn’t let you edit existing text.
- Limited to two PDF edits per day.
One of the quickest ways to add images, text, shapes, or your signature to a PDF is with Smallpdf.
This website allows you to upload a PDF, make changes to it, and then save it back to your computer, all without needing to make a user account or pay for any anti-watermarking features.
You can open files from your computer or your Dropbox or Google Drive account.
Importing shapes is possible if you want a rectangle, square, circle, arrow, or line. You can change the object’s main color and line color, as well as the thickness of its edge.
Text size can be small, regular, medium, large, or extra large, but you can’t change the font type, just the color.
When finished editing the PDF, you can decide where you want it saved; to your device or your Dropbox account. You can also generate a share link that anyone can use to download the PDF. Something else you can do is run the document through Smallpdf’s PDF splitter tool if you want to extract the pages.
If you edit two PDFs within one day, you’ll have to wait until the next day to keep using the site, or upgrade/pay.
This site works with all operating systems that support a modern web browser.
Smallpdf was created in Switzerland back in 2013 with the aim of creating a single tool to compress and edit PDFs. One thing that sets this free PDF editor apart from the competition is that it’s available in 24 different languages and used in 195 countries around the world.
Smallpdf’s main focus is providing an excellent user experience that makes its online PDF editor very easy to use. On its website, you can upload a PDF and begin making annotations and taking notes. You can also add pictures, text and shapes to a PDF. Once you’ve made the necessary changes, Smallpdf allows you to compress a PDF or export it as a Word, Excel or PowerPoint file.
If you want even more functionality, you can upgrade to Smallpdf’s paid version. While the web version is slightly cheaper, you can pay a bit more to take advantage of the desktop version so you can work offline. The company also offers a 7-day free trial so you can test out its paid features for yourself before deciding if you want to upgrade.
LibreOffice Draw
What We Like
- Edits any text on the page.
- Doesn’t leave a watermark.
- Lots of other editing features.
What We Don’t Like
- Must download the whole suite of programs just to use the PDF editor.
LibreOffice Draw is LibreOffice’s flowchart and diagram program, but it also lets you open and edit PDFs. Use the File > Open menu to select the PDF you want to edit, and then zoom up to the text to select and change whatever you want.
One of the neat things about editing PDFs with this program is that it’s made for creating and manipulating objects, so you can just as easily edit non-text things, too, like images, headings, colors, etc.
When you’re ready to save, don’t use the typical save option; go instead to File > Export As to find the PDF option.
It works with Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Apple Preview
Best free PDF editor for Mac usersTODAY’S BEST DEALSVISIT SITE
+Included with all Macs+Image-editing tools included+Can annotate and add signatures to PDFs
-Only available for macOS-Lacks OCR
Unlike with Microsoft Windows, Apple includes a built-in PDF editor for free with macOS in the form of Apple Preview and it’s surprisingly capable. In addition to letting you work with PDF files, it also includes a number of image-editing features.
When it comes to PDFs, Apple Preview lets you fill in forms and add signatures using its markup tools. However, you can also combine PDF documents, transfer pages from one PDF to another, add text, highlight and more. Apple’s free PDF editor even allows you password protect PDF files that contain sensitive information.Advertisement
Apple Preview may be a simple free PDF editor but it gets the job done and best of all, it comes pre-installed on every MacBook, iMac, Mac Mini and the rest of the company’s Mac devices. Unfortunately, it’s not available for iPhone or iPad, so you’ll want to do your PDF editing on desktop before sharing your finished documents on mobile.
+No account required+Simple and easy to use interface+Uploaded files are deleted after five hours
-File size limitations-Still in beta
Just like PDF Candy and Smallpdf, Sejda is another free online PDF editor. What sets it apart from other similar offerings is its security features as all of the files uploaded to the service are wiped from its servers after just five hours. This means you can use it to work on sensitive documents without having to be worried about your data being leaked or stolen.
Sejda also offers a desktop version with the biggest difference being that all of the processing is handled locally as opposed to in the cloud. Regardless of which free version you choose, Sejda limits you to working on a maximum of three tasks per day, one file at a time and files can’t be larger than 50MB or 200 pages.Advertisement
In addition to being able to edit the text in a PDF, you can add new text as well as images including shapes and drawings. Sejda also lets you add annotations, create forms, whiteout sections of a document and more. For those that do decide to upgrade, Sejda is available as a weekly, monthly or annual subscription though there are discounts for larger teams with multiple users.
PDFelement – Easy-to-use PDF Editor
PDFelement is an outstanding PDF editor for Windows that tops the list. It is a worthy alternative to Adobe Acrobat, which has been widely regarded as the industry standard when it comes to PDF editing. The good thing is that this wonderful PDF editor has a free trial that comes with basic PDF editing solutions. Meanwhile, the paid version offers good value for the cost, as it is affordable when compared to other PDF editors.
It boasts of a lot of incredible features which include annotating, editing, and converting PDFs to other formats, adding signatures, and filling PDF forms. In fact, this best Windows PDF editor gives you a complete solution to edit PDF files like never before. For example, it can help you edit pdf text, add, remove, extract images from PDF, edit and remove watermarks, background, and so on. More importantly, it allows you to enjoy a large cloud storage space (up to 100GB) from Wondershare Document Cloud. Download this simple PDF editor now.TRY IT FREE

- PDFelement can do what Adobe can do, making it the editor with the best value for money.
- Users can try it out before they commit to buying it.
- Its simple design provides a user-friendly interface for both beginners and pros.
- It is secured with your documents.
- It has OCR technology, which allows you to edit/extract the PDF files from scanning.
- Moreover, it possesses the Document Cloud service, making you access your cloud documents on any device.
- It allows you to edit, convert, annotate, sign, protect, compress PDF files, and so on.
- It has limited features when used as a free PDF editor with the trial version.
- The free version offers basic PDF solutions.
- Only costs $79.99 for the PDFelement professional version, which offers a comprehensive PDF solution.
System Support
- Windows System Support: Best PDF reader and editor for Windows Vista/7/8/10/11.
- Mac System Support: Highly compatible with all macOS from 10.14 to the latest macOS 11.
Does Apple Have a PDF Editing Software?
The only Apple software that can open and edit PDFs are Preview in macOS and Apple Books.
However, although Preview can do basic tasks like filling-in PDF forms, signing documents and password protecting PDFs, it can’t natively edit PDF documents and Apple Books is only useful for reading and organizing PDFs on a Mac.
Is There A Free PDF Editor Or Reader For Mac?
If you just want to open, read or fill in PDF forms for free on a Mac, you can use either Adobe Acrobat Reader or macOS Preview for free.
Note however that neither Adobe Acrobat Reader or Preview allow you to to edit PDFs other than to fill in forms.
You also have to download and install Adobe Reader first whereas Preview is free in macOS.
Preview is very basic and only really suitable for reading PDFs, adding passwords and filling in forms.
The Safari web browser also allows you to open PDFs in your browser window but does not allow you to do anything else to it.
There’s also Skim which is a basic open source free PDF reader and note taking software for Mac which is mainly designed for annotating scientific papers but can be used with any PDF document.
The PDF software reviewed here offer far more control and power over what you can do with a PDF on your Mac compared to free software and and work on all versions of macOS including M1 chip Macs.
Best Pdf Editor for Mac – Do you want to edit pdf file on your Mac? If that is the question asked by you, then this article can be the best for you. As we know every software has some features and pdf editing software for Mac also has some features. To edit pdf file you need best software only and that’s why; today we are discussing about best pdf editor for mac.
Pdf is a popular file format. People all around the globe read, write, publish and send pdf files using different devices like desktop PC, mobile phones and specially reading ebooks on tablet devices. For creating, editing or modifying Pdf files you can use dmg based software. One of such software is best PDF editor software for mac. Useful thing about this software is that this is embedded in Mac OS X and can be used without any difficulty. This tool lets you handle all types of pdf files with great ease.