Free pdf edit or free pdf editing tool is the best solution for users to edit pdf files at ease, besides low price, windows and mac os users both can use such free pdf editor software, it will not cost you a penny and provides you much powerful functions.
This article is about how to edit text in pdf editor for free. To edit text in a pdf file copy the pdf file on your system to a folder. After that open editing software and choose edit option. There you can change the text as you want. Many pdf editors are there and if you search about it on internet you can find for free.
Best Free Program to Edit Pdf – Do you have an important, sensitive, or confidential pdf file that needs to be edited or modified? There are plenty of reasons why you might need to edit pdf files. For example, if you have a signed and scanned form from your boss that needs some details filled on or if you have an invoice which needs to be changed before sending it out, these are prime examples of situations when it’s necessary to edit a pdf file.
Would you like to edit pdf online or free pdf editor online with 100 % accuracy to remove any modification of text? Then this article is for you. Read on to know about the software. As a matter of fact many people want to delete\edit some part of the text in pdf file but most of them do not use appropriate and trustworthy tool to do so. So, we will discuss all about the ways to do so through this tutorial.
How to edit PDF files:
- Open a file in Acrobat DC.
- Click on the “Edit PDF” tool in the right pane.
- Use Acrobat editing tools:
- Add new text, edit text, or update fonts using selections from the Format list.
- Add, replace, move, or resize images on the page using selections from the Objects list.
- Click the other tools to edit your PDF further. You can add a watermark and annotate PDFs too.
- Add new text, edit text, or update fonts using selections from the Format list.
- Save your edited PDF:
Name your file and click the “Save” button. That’s it.
Edit Text and Fonts
Add and Remove Text
Using the Edit Mode, text can be inserted at the current cursor location in the document via keyboard input.
Note: Editing may be restricted for documents enabled with security permissions, scanned files, text that is part of an image, or text characters not included in the English language.
- Open your PDF document.
- Switch to Edit Mode. To do so: click the icon on the toolbar.
– OR –
Right-click on the document and select Edit from the right-click menu. - Wait for the Edit toolbar to appear.
- Select the text editor icon.
- Click on the document where you want to insert or delete existing text and wait for cursor appear.
- Type desired text, or delete existing text by pressing the backspace button on your keyboard.
- Choose next to Close to exit out of Edit Mode.
Tip: To remove multiple characters simultaneously, drag your courser over the text to highlight it and then press Backspace or Delete on your keyboard OR right-click and select Delete from the right-hand menu.
Paste Text from Clipboard
- Open your PDF document.
- Switch to Edit Mode. To do so: click the icon on the toolbar.
– OR –
Right-click on the document and select Edit from the right-click menu. - Wait for the Edit toolbar to appear.
- Click on the document where you want to insert the clipboard contents.
- Right-click and select Edit and choose Paste (text) from the right-click menu. The keyboard function (Ctrl + V) works for this feature as well.
- Choose next to Close to exit out of Edit Mode.
Tip: Select images or text by holding the left mouse button and dragging the courser over the text and/or images that you want, highlighting it. Right-click over highlighted text/image and select your desired option to Copy, Cut, or Paste utilizing the Windows clipboard.
Change Text Font
Using the Set Font feature, a block of text can be changed using the font selection and formatting interface. Standard effects are available, including font type, color, and size.
- Open your PDF document.
- Switch to Edit Mode. To do so: click the icon on the toolbar.
– OR –
Right-click on the document and select Edit from the right-click menu. - Wait for the Edit toolbar to appear.
- Drag cursor over the text you want to modify to select it.
- Right-click on the selected text, and choose Set Font from the right-click menu.
- Within the Font Chooser dialog box, make your selections using the available radio buttons, check boxes, and drop-down menus.
- Click Ok when you have finished making your selections. The document will now reflect the font changes.
- Choose next to Close to exit out of Edit Mode.
Here’s how to edit a PDF for free, online in 3 easy steps:
Step 1: Upload PDF file
Drag your PDF file on to the document dropzone above, or click Upload to choose a file from your computer.2
Step 2: Edit PDF File
Check the box next to your file name, then click the Edit PDF button on the Edit Tab. This will launch the online PDF editor app.3
Step 3: Download file
Get 3 Free downloads of your file. Sign up for a monthly or annual subscription for unlimited downloads and editing.

How do I edit a PDF file? This is the most common question we hear at DocFly. Editing PDF documents can be challenging. A quick search on the Web will show you a wide range of PDF editing options. However, many software services such as Adobe Acrobat are quite expensive. On the other hand, most cheap/free PDF editors or PDF modifiers only include the most basic features and don’t promise an accurate file conversion. DocFly offers another alternative for users. With our online PDF Editor software, you can edit PDF documents in the cloud. This includes concealing and adding customizable text, highlighting, uploading images, and even placing symbols and shapes within the document. We have designed our software so editing PDF files no longer has to be such a pain. Using our Editor to edit PDF forms? Be sure to try or share our free PDF form filler so you can get them filled in as well.
The easiest way to edit PDF text online
Quickly edit PDF Files
Looking for a way to quickly edit PDF online? Look no further than DocFly! Use our PDF editor FREE and you’ll know how to edit a pdf document in less than a minute.
Easy to use online editor
Fed up with printing out PDF files so you can edit them, before rescanning and sending them back? Edit PDF documents free online. Use DocFly’s pdf text editor to save time and paper.
Great tools, all platforms
Wondering how to edit a PDF on a Mac, or maybe how to edit a PDF file for free? DocFly’s online PDF tools work on all platforms, and you can edit up to 3 files a month for free.
Secure upload and file storage
All file uploading is encrypted via HTTPS to safeguard your content. Files are stored in a secured database managed by Amazon Cloud hosting. You can delete your files from our system anytime.
Access files from anywhere
DocFly is an online service and is accessible via any device connected to the internet. You can access your file from your home, the office or anywhere else.
Always up to date
DocFly is on the cloud, so whenever you access the site, you’re accessing the latest version of the software. No lengthy updates – or software downloads – required to get editing.
DocFly Pro Tip: How to use the PDF file editor
The best way to change PDF text is to replace existing objects. To whiteout part of your document, first choose the whiteout tool of the PDF page editor. Then place the cursor on the document and drag it over the area you want to erase. If your page background is not white, you can change the color of the tool to match your page background. Once you have finished using the whiteout tool, you can then add new text, images or other objects to the area that was hidden. Happy editing!
DocFly Pro Tip: Saving money with an online PDF editor
Most users who need to modify PDF files instinctively believe that they need to purchase premium desktop PDF Editing software. Thankfully, today there are online PDF editors like DocFly that allow anyone to edit a PDF online quickly and cheaply! DocFly allows you to edit three files per month at no charge.
Best for: PDFescape is the best online PDF editing platform.
Price: PDFescape is available for free to use with files up to 10 MB and 100 pages. For the bigger file limits, you can upgrade the account. Its paid plans start at $2.99 per month.

PDFescape is the free online editor and a form filler. You can view and edit PDF files. It will allow you to create new PDF forms. It will let you upload PDFs from the PC as well as from the Internet. The platform will allow you to get the desired viewing angle by zooming in on the documents.
- PDFescape provides the functionality to annotate PDF documents.
- It provides the features to password protect the PDF files.
- It supports all popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, and Safari.
- PDFescape can load the previously opened PDF.
Verdict: Without any installation procedure, you can use PDFescape. By upgrading the account, you will get an Ads-free platform plus features like desktop editing.
Website: PDFescape
Best for: SmallPDF is best for its PDF compression capabilities.
Price: SmallPDF provides a free trial for 14 days. The price starts at $12 per month.

Smallpdf is an online platform that has various functionalities. It can convert PDF to PPT, JPG, Word, Excel, etc. It will allow you to sign the PDF document. Smallpdf provides functionalities for compressing, merging, splitting, and rotating PDF.
- Smallpdf provides a PDF converter to convert Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files to and from PDFs.
- It has features to insert page numbers in a PDF document.
- You can protect your PDF with the help of a password and encryption.
Verdict: As per reviews, it is an extremely easy-to-use PDF editing platform that has limited functionalities
PDF Expert
Best for quickly editing PDF text and images.
Price: PDF Expert is available to download for free. Its one license is for 3 Macs that will cost you $79.99.

PDF Expert is a PDF editing platform for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. It allows transferring documents seamlessly between your devices. It has functionalities for reading, annotating, and editing PDFs. You can edit text, images, and links. It has the capacity to automatically detect the font, size, and opacity of the original text.
- PDF Expert provides the features for signing contracts.
- Search indexing helps to find things instantly.
- You can save the relevant discoveries into search history.
- It provides the features for managing pages like merging files, page numbering, crop pages, and split view mode.
Verdict: The platform will help you with filling forms. PDF Expert’s advanced settings will provide a good reading experience.
Best for: AbleWord is the best free Word Processor.
Price: AbleWord is free software. Even for commercial use, it can be used free of cost.

AbleWord is a word processing application that has the capacity to read and write the most popular document formats like PDFs. It is rich in features platform. It is capable of reading and writing to various file formats like Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, Rich Text, Plain Text, and HTML.
- AbleWord will allow you to format the image.
- It supports tables and headers & footers.
- It provides functionalities like spell check and print preview.
Verdict: AbleWord is popular as a PDF editing tool. Mostly, it is used for converting PDF to Word. It provides various Microsoft Word features.
Pdf editing is used by a lot of people who want to create some changes in the pdf content which is visible to others. But not everyone knows that how can we edit pdf files online in an easy manner. For this, you only have to use an online editor which can be easily accessed on any device.
PDF editing is a free program or tools which are used for editing and creating PDF files. So if you want to create an original document from your scanned documents, from Microsoft Office files, photographs or any other image format then you definitely need this program.