Software for Church Streaming

When it comes to church streaming, the options can be overwhelming. There’s a lot to consider when looking for the right software for church streaming. Which platforms do you require? Do you need video conferencing, recording capabilities or live streaming? There are a ton of options out there but we’ve chosen our top three picks … Read more

Software for Church Records

Audio and visual recordings of religious sermons are an easy way for people to revisit doctrine, teaching and research. And by implementing software for church recordings , you’ll be able to create DVDs, CDs and MP3s from these recordings that can be disseminated using a variety of delivery methods. Choosing which software to use is … Read more

Software for Church Recordings

There are certain tools that can help solve problems in your church. These tools are not free but could help in making your job easier. Tools such as video editing software can help your church make videos which can help your outreach in other countries, or even bringing people to help you out or teach … Read more

Software for Church Record Keeping

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a lot of data and record keeping that needs to be done. With over 30,000 wards and branches, if you include their families that is a lot of records to be kept. They have had programs such as the CRAM forms and directories. However, these do … Read more

Software for Church Quickbooks

Software for Church Quickbooks is a Christian-based software that was designed specifically for church accounting needs. The program delivers easy-to-use tools and a quick learner guide to help you utilize the program during your first week of use. With Software for Church Quickbooks, you will be able to: How We Evaluated Church Accounting Software We … Read more

Software for Church Programs

Software for church programs is an integral part of the church. These church programs help keep all the tasks and records in order. They are basically used for managing a church’s economy, for creating membership, for communicating with other pastorates, other members and even non-members of the congregation. There are many software companies and individuals … Read more

Software for Church Presentations

If you’re planning a church presentation, then it’s likely that slides could play a big part in your success. You might be thinking that not everyone is a “techie” or that most people hate using computers, but we’re here to tell you it’s time for an update! The truth is that most people have grown … Read more

Software for Church Offering

Most modern software applications are not actually going to be “software for church offerings,” singularly. A better way for a content writer to phrase this might be “a list of 7 great options for software for church offerings.” At least then the reader won’t just think you’re writing about some regular old product…. Offering software … Read more

Software for Church Outreach

Church Offering Software: Finding the Right One for Your Church You’ve decided to use software to manage your Church offering in an effort to help you better manage the numbers. When you first begin to evaluate what Church software is available it can be confusing and overwhelming. There are many options out there and finding … Read more

Software for Church Nursery Workers

Technology for church nursery workers is more than just getting nursery workers to the church. Church nursery software should provide a central place for nursery coordinators, parents and volunteers to be able to work together smoothly. The chances are that the majority of your volunteers won’t necessarily know how to use your church management software, … Read more

Software for Church Newsletters

Most churches today use email to communicate with their members and the community. The effectiveness of church newsletter software is in direct correlation with how much time and effort is put into creating them. This will produce beautiful, compelling, interesting and engaging newsletters that recipients will enjoy opening! Church newsletters are a great way for … Read more