As you know that watermark is the short text or image that appears on the copied picture, added into or embedded into it to prevent forgery or theft. Watermarks are widely applied in various fields of commercial uses, such as photography, printing, publishing, business cards, posters, computer software etc.
Here is how you can remove watermark from photoshop
How to Remove a Watermark in Photoshop
Photoshop is pretty smart when it comes to eliminating watermarks from photos. With your photo open, select Magic Wand Tool, which cleverly selects entire areas like the letters and logos of a watermark. You can also use the Pen Tool or Lasso Tool to make your selection.
Draw your cursor over each letter or image—remember to hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) as you click to select multiple elements of the watermark.
It won’t be the perfect selection. To fix this, go to Select > Modify > Expand. In the dialog box, choose how many pixels the selection needs to be expanded by.
Since the Magic Wand Tool in our example is close to the edge of the watermark, we’re only shifting the selection up by 2px, but yours may differ. Click OK to confirm.
Click Edit > Fill. This opens a new box, and in the Contents dropdown, choose Content-Aware. Make sure to uncheck the Color Adaptation box.
After hitting OK, your watermark should almost entirely disappear.
If some remnants remain, pick the Clone Stamp Tool. Be sure to change the size of the tool, so that you “clone” enough of the area, but not too much.
Hold down Alt or Option to select an area near any part of the remaining watermark. Doing so samples that area. Now, when you click (for a natural look, don’t swipe or drag) over the watermark, the tool “stamps” this area to mask the watermark outline.
RELATED:How To Create A Watermark In Photoshop In 7 Easy Steps
How to Get Rid of Watermarks in GIMP
The easiest but slowest way to get rid of watermarks using GIMP is with the Clone Tool. To get started, open GIMP and select the Clone Tool.
This tool works similarly to Photoshop’s Clone Stamp Tool—you need to sample a part of the image. This time, hold down Ctrl/Cmd, then click on the part of the watermark you want to remove. It’s time-consuming but allows you to be incredibly precise.
However, you can do this all much faster when downloading and installing the GIMP Resynthesizer plugin. This awesome GIMP plugin offers a wealth of image editing options, most notably a version of Photoshop’s Content-Aware tool.
To install it, extract the files in the ZIP file, and copy all of them into GIMP’s plugin folder. From there, select the Free Select Tool or the Rectangle Select Tool.
Draw around the watermark to be removed.
Once it’s highlighted, go to Filters > Enhance > Heal selection. Set the Context sampling width.
As usual, you may need to play around with this figure to make sure you’re only losing the watermark, not too much of the image beyond that. Click OK and let the Resynthesize plugin work its magic.
Once complete (it can take a minute), use the Clone Tool to sample and cover any remaining blots.
How to Remove a Watermark in
Your method for removing watermarks using is fairly limited. Unlike Photoshop, there are no quick and dirty Content-Aware tools; unlike GIMP, you can’t download a plugin to get rid of them.
Instead, you’re limited to the Clone Stamp Tool, so choose this from the toolbar and set the size.
Choose an area of the image close to the watermark, hold Ctrl/Cmd, and click to create a sample. Now, click on the watermark. It should disappear, and get replaced with a sample of the background.
Remember to keep sampling and cloning as you go, to ensure you catch any changes in the image’s texture or lighting. As usual, it’s also best to click to remove for a more natural look (and greater control over watermark removal).
With some photos, it might also help to use the Blur Tool to iron out any visual kinks.
How to Remove a Watermark in Photoshop
Photoshop is pretty smart when it comes to eliminating watermarks from photos. With your photo open, select Magic Wand Tool, which cleverly selects entire areas like the letters and logos of a watermark. You can also use the Pen Tool or Lasso Tool to make your selection.
Draw your cursor over each letter or image—remember to hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) as you click to select multiple elements of the watermark.
It won’t be the perfect selection. To fix this, go to Select > Modify > Expand. In the dialog box, choose how many pixels the selection needs to be expanded by.
Since the Magic Wand Tool in our example is close to the edge of the watermark, we’re only shifting the selection up by 2px, but yours may differ. Click OK to confirm.
Click Edit > Fill. This opens a new box, and in the Contents dropdown, choose Content-Aware. Make sure to uncheck the Color Adaptation box.
After hitting OK, your watermark should almost entirely disappear.
If some remnants remain, pick the Clone Stamp Tool. Be sure to change the size of the tool, so that you “clone” enough of the area, but not too much.
Hold down Alt or Option to select an area near any part of the remaining watermark. Doing so samples that area. Now, when you click (for a natural look, don’t swipe or drag) over the watermark, the tool “stamps” this area to mask the watermark outline.
RELATED:How To Create A Watermark In Photoshop In 7 Easy Steps
How to Get Rid of Watermarks in GIMP
The easiest but slowest way to get rid of watermarks using GIMP is with the Clone Tool. To get started, open GIMP and select the Clone Tool.
This tool works similarly to Photoshop’s Clone Stamp Tool—you need to sample a part of the image. This time, hold down Ctrl/Cmd, then click on the part of the watermark you want to remove. It’s time-consuming but allows you to be incredibly precise.
However, you can do this all much faster when downloading and installing the GIMP Resynthesizer plugin. This awesome GIMP plugin offers a wealth of image editing options, most notably a version of Photoshop’s Content-Aware tool.
To install it, extract the files in the ZIP file, and copy all of them into GIMP’s plugin folder. From there, select the Free Select Tool or the Rectangle Select Tool.
Draw around the watermark to be removed.
Once it’s highlighted, go to Filters > Enhance > Heal selection. Set the Context sampling width.
As usual, you may need to play around with this figure to make sure you’re only losing the watermark, not too much of the image beyond that. Click OK and let the Resynthesize plugin work its magic.
Once complete (it can take a minute), use the Clone Tool to sample and cover any remaining blots.
3. How to Remove a Watermark in
Your method for removing watermarks using is fairly limited. Unlike Photoshop, there are no quick and dirty Content-Aware tools; unlike GIMP, you can’t download a plugin to get rid of them.
Instead, you’re limited to the Clone Stamp Tool, so choose this from the toolbar and set the size.
Choose an area of the image close to the watermark, hold Ctrl/Cmd, and click to create a sample. Now, click on the watermark. It should disappear, and get replaced with a sample of the background.
Remember to keep sampling and cloning as you go, to ensure you catch any changes in the image’s texture or lighting. As usual, it’s also best to click to remove for a more natural look (and greater control over watermark removal).
With some photos, it might also help to use the Blur Tool to iron out any visual kinks.
Step by Step Tutorial – How to Remove Watermark in Photoshop
Wondering about how to remove watermark in photoshop? We will try to present a real-time work step by step so that you can clearly understand the way of how to remove watermark in Photoshop. We are directing the experiment in Photoshop CC to get the best Photoshopping output.
1. Open an image containing a watermark in Photoshop to remove the watermark. Look at the below image. We are going to remove the before-after marks and the watermark as well.

2. To remove the before-after marks, at your first attempt, take a selection tool. Here, we are taking the Rectangular marquee tool to make a selection of the ‘before’ marks.

3. Press the right button from your mouse on the selection and click on the Fill option. You can go to Edit from the top bar and click on the Fill option from the dropdown option.

4. Once you click on the Fill option, you will get another dialogue box. Select the Content-Aware option and click on the OK. Now see the magic.

Then, what happened here? The Content-Aware option is the brother of the Clone Stamp tool where we manually take a sample and fill the area we want to remove or hide. The same process is happening here automatically. Content-Aware is sampling the same color from its around and filling the area. Thus, we’ve got a clean area or whatever result we expected.
Now let’s remove the watermark applying the same process of Content-aware.
5. Zoom the image until it gets distorted.

6. Take Lasso tool here in lieu of the Rectangular marquee tool since the edges of the watermarks are not straight as it was in case of before-after marks that we removed earlier.

7. Using the Lasso tool, select the watermark part-by-part and apply the Content-aware option to fill the area with the necessary color. Do the work patiently and spend time to gain the best result. See the below snapshot that we have worked on and removed the watermark successfully.

The watermark (sometimes referred to as an image logo, post stamp or sponsor mark) is an opaque or transparent graphic overlay that is added to an image, video or other graphic element. It may contain any kind of information, for example the copyright holder’s name, slogans, the website address.