Dictation Software For Pc Free

To write speeches, stories, novels and poetry, writers rely on dictation software. It helps you perform word to text translation easily. Nowadays text to speech software programs are available for both pc and mac platform. This article will help you choose the right dictation software for your windows and mac computer. Temi Temi is a … Read more

Best Speech To Text Software Windows 10

Speech to text software have come a long way. I’m sure none of you remember users typing to software just to convert voice to text. These days, it’s easier converting speech to text with today’s technology. Windows even has built-in speech recognition. But are these technology trustworthy? There are plenty of sites out there that … Read more

Best Speech To Text Software For Writers

A speech to text application or speech recognition software helps you type your words into the computer as if the computer heard you speak it. With such software, you can talk and type. It basically converts your voice to text. This software enables you to use any computer such as a laptop, desktop, and tablet … Read more

Best Speech To Text Software For Windows 10

Some decades ago, computer keyboard was a must for any successful desktop publishing. Since then, with the launch of new features in the softwares and operating systems, most users prefer to operate them by simply speaking. Hence it is a question in most of the minds why a need for a windows 10 speech to … Read more

Best Speech To Text Software

Speech to Text’ features of the computer allow for conversion of normal human speech into characters. It is very useful in generating text documents on the computer without having to use pen and paper. With this computer software, it is possible to store important notes that are created within a meeting or lecture. It is … Read more

Free Dictation Software For Word

It’s not a secret that I am a fan of the dictation software Google Dictation, and as such I’ve used it on and off for several years. Because I’ve been using this tool on and off it’s only reasonable to assume that folks have been asking me how it goes, whether they should try it … Read more

Free Dictation Software For Pc

Using a dictation software will make your work easy and comfortable when you are in a hurry or in an important meeting. The best thing about using such software is that you don’t need to hire someone to type when you take notes during your meetings. With the help of such software, you can record … Read more

Dictation Software Freeware

When creating your content strategy for your blog, you need to consider how you are going to go about getting your content out there. Will the material be written by you personally, or do you intend to focus each post on an external authority? How can you get this content translated into different languages? The … Read more

Best Dictation Software For Windows 10

I won’t lie to you, the first day I learned about voice dictation software for windows 10 it was a bit of a shock to my system. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to use. I had always used computer software for dictation because it was cheaper, easier to use, and never malfunctioned. But … Read more

Best Dictation Software Free

Dictation software is software that enables spoken communication with a computer, whether it’s hardware or part of a larger application. It’s not connected to input devices like keyboard, mouse, touchpad or touchscreen. Its main purpose is to convert voice into text. Where to start with speech to text software free download? This article is a compilation … Read more

Best Free Dictation Software For Windows

I’m sure the very first thing that comes to mind is Dragon voice recognition software. This software is great and you can use it with Windows and MacOS, however, it is very expensive and only comes with a 30-day trial at most. I mean $84.99 for a single license is pretty steep, which leaves me … Read more