Hosting your own website can be overwhelming. It can be difficult to determine which control panels will work best for your needs. That’s why we’ve put together a guide on how to choose the Best Control Panels for Web Hosting. We’ll help you make the right choices, and give you some valuable tips along the way.
It is possible to directly by logging to the server to manage your hosting package, it is very risky and time-consuming. Control panels are very useful tools to manage domain names, install applications, create and manage email accounts, and uploading website’s files. So here are of the best web hosting control panels to manage your hosting packages:
Best Control Panels for Web Hosting
What are the Different Types of Control Panels.
Hosting services offer different types of control panels that can be used to manage your website. Panel types include e-commerce, content management, and social media hosting. Different panel types are perfect for different needs and purposes. For example, a e-commerce host might use an eCommerce Panel to manage sales and shipping data, while a content management system (CMS) host would use a CMS Panel to manage all the website content. A social media hosting service might use a Social Media Panel to manage all the website updates and interactions with users.
Which Control Panel is Right for You
There is no one “right” control panel for every type of hosting service or website need. To find the right panel for you, you first need to determine which services you plan on using and what needs it will fulfill. To do this, you’ll need to research the various Hosting Services and their corresponding control panels in order to determine which one would be best suited for your specific needs. Once you have narrowed down your options, be sure to compare prices, features, and other features before selecting any particular controlpanel.
Best Control Panels for Web Hosting
1. cPanel
This panel is available only for Linux OS. It’s one of the most popular control panels. It has both a graphical interface and server management interface through WHM (Web Host Manager). As these environments work together, it is possible to manage your website in either of them. So, it is perfectly suitable for both beginners and developers that prefer console rather than pretty design.
cPanel has lots of different features. All of them are located on one page which is quite comfortable as you will not need to click on various menus to get where you need. In addition, all of the features have short descriptions where it’s indicated what they can do. Moreover, almost in each option, you can create anything in a few clicks. Here are the main features offered:
- Domain name settings, registration, and transfer;
- Email creation and management, spam filters management, autoresponders, and email forwarders set up;
- Visitor and error logs;
- Database creation and management;
- Security features, such as IP blocker, leech protection, and password-protected directories;
- Server performance monitoring;
- Backup creation and automation;
- File manager and FTP users creation;
- Lots of third-party apps and tools to extend functionality.
2. Webmin
Webmin Web Panel is available for all Unix systems and it is completely free. It can also be installed on Windows but not all of the functions will be displayed for Windows OS. Webmin’s design is more complicated than others but it can be customized. There are several panels created by developers based on Webmin to meet different needs.
- Usermin: It is used for managing emails, setting up mail filters and passwords.
- Cloudmin: It is used to manage virtual servers.
- Virtualmin: It is used to manage multiple virtual hosts.
Official Site:
3. Plesk
Available for Windows and Linux. It’s also quite popular, especially amongst European hosting providers. Basically, there are not many control panels offered for Windows. That’s why Plesk can be considered as one of the most comfortable and easy panel for this particular OS.
All of the options are divided into different categories. They are displayed in the form of a list on the left side. Multiple servers can be managed in one panel.
The interface is quite simple and intuitive, everything can be created in a few clicks. One of its distinctive features is the variety of automation tools. They will spare your time and resources, so you can focus on your website development and don’t worry about server maintaining.
Another peculiarity of Plesk are the login levels. There are 4 levels. All of them have different permissions and responsibilities:
- Administrator – the highest level, possible to manage and set up system items as well as manage multiple servers (if applicable);
- Client/Reseller – possible to create and manage groups of domain names, permissions are given by system administrator;
- Domain Owner – possible to manage only one domain name, management options are predetermined;
- Mail User – the lowest level, possible to log in to webmail interface and manage passwords, spam filters etc.
cPanel and Plesk panels are the most popular and commonly used panels worldwide. However, there are still dozens of them. Some companies create their own control panels for their customers. For example, Hostinger has designed hPanel. You can find it’s description below.
4. ISPmanager
ISPmanager is a Linux-based control panel with a simple and basic design. There are Lite and Business versions of this web panel. Lite version can allow you to manage the web-server, create users with access levels, and import data from remote servers, thus it is mostly used for Dedicated and BBPS servers. The Business ISPmanager version is better for reseller or shared hosting services because it can manage multiple servers and create and manage user accounts easily.
Official Site:
5. hPanel
This is a control panel designed by Hostinger team for their clients. It is available for Linux distributives. Also, hPanel can be used only for shared hosting at the moment.
hPanel looks a bit like cPanel, however, a more comfortable version. For instance, although all of the options are located on the front page, when you select one of them, a side menu appears on the left. So it’ll be easier to navigate between different sections.
This web panel has all of the basic functions that you need, such as domain and email management, DNS zone editor, file and database manager etc. You can also manage your account security: set up passwords for directories, block IPs and configure hotlink protection. Apart from all of these options, it’s the main peculiarity is the possibility to manage all of your products in one panel. For example, it’s possible to view your payment history, buy new hosting packages and upgrade them.
6. Direct Admin
Direct Admin is available for Linux and BSD systems. It is also very user-friendly and easy-to-use and it is very cheap. It supports Administrator, User, and Reseller access levels. The main focus of this panel is simplicity but it also offers the most of the options offered by other panels. You can manage DNS, create a database and manage, create a backup and manage your files.
Official Site:
Web Hosting Control Panel For Windows

Windows Hosting Control Panels, With a wide variety of choices out there, it could be hard to pick the one for your site. This blog should make it a little easier.
1. SolidCP
SolidCP is a free and open source multiple server enterprise control panel for the Windows operating systems. It lets its users to easily control and manage unlimited amounts of servers.
It also support for clustering as well that is the additional advantage of using this. As it will allow you to get all management issues solved at a centralized platform so you will be able to give your clients freedom to manage their resources from any place.
It is optimized for offering speed and usability at the same time and additionally it is free and open source that too goes into the favor of server administrators. One of the best things about SolidCP is that it easily work with all major enterprise level of hosting platforms.
Either it is about getting the support of Sharepoint, Lync, Exchange, Microsoft CRM or any other platform, SolidCP is offering great support for many kind of external software. It will simplify your overall management work.
Here are some of the features of SolidCP :
Latest Version of SolidCP is 1.4.7 (released On Aug 2020) , and support by Windows OS 2003 , 2008 , 2012 and 2016.
also IIS 6 , 7/7.5 , 8/8.5 and IIS 10 supported for more information about supported software check following links. (solidCP Supported Software)
- SolidCP Demo
- SolidCP Downloads Link
- SolidCP Screenshots
- SolidCP Supported Softwares
2. Plesk
Plesk is a control panel available on our Windows-based hosting accounts and servers. It lets you easily manage many aspects of your account, including the files, applications, and emails hosted on your account or server. Plesk control panel automates a large number of tasks that allow service providers to reduce operating costs and resources while at the same time increasing profitability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. There are four login levels in Plesk, with each one having its appropriate roles and responsibilities:
- Administrator: The highest individual server level login which allows web hosting admins to set up and manage all system items. Multiple servers can be centrally managed with the master level login of Plesk Expand.
- Client/Reseller: Second-tier login account where the users are given domain creation rights from the system administrator. Clients can administer to groups of domains using a single login.
- Domain Owner: These are third-tier individual domain owner accounts with predetermined permission sets and interface for single domain administration.
- Mail User: This is the fourth tier individual mail account which allows the user to log in to their own private interface and manage passwords, spam filters, anti-virus settings and much more.
Plesk offers simplified and automated workflows for hosters and agencies, as well as provides its own ecosystem with more than 100 third-party extensions. The latest version of Plesk is integrated with Github and Docker. It has multi-server management features and is able to obtain or update SSL certificates automatically using the Let’s Encrypt service.
3. MSP Control
MSPControl is a control panel under Windows Server Os that, like websitepanel and solidcp , forked from dotnetpanel. This control panel has a simple, attractive and user-friendly environment that easily supports many management tasks of Windows servers.
This control panel is useful even for users who do not have the technical knowledge and expertise in the field of web programming languages such as JS, MySQL, PHP and basic web servers.
This Control Panel is Free if you need less than 300 User (view here) , also have more features like following include . Manage Domains & Sub Domains , Manage Websites , Virtual Directories , Mailboxes , FTP Accounts , SSL , SQL Server database and other . also support MySQL and PHP .
an other good ability on MSP , you can create reseller along normal User account , So you can Add your own Customers with their own Control Panels with their own Branding.
MSP also support Microsoft Azure , Microsoft Office 365 , Microsoft Dynamics CRM , Microsoft Exchange and other Microsoft product . you can see them here. (MSP all features)
- MSP Control Panel Demo
- MSP Control Panel Documentation
- MSP Control Panel Downloads link
4. ZPanel
ZPanel is an open-source web hosting control panel written in PHP and is compatible with Microsoft Windows server and POSIX (Linux, UNIX, MacOSX and the BSD’s) operating systems. From the easy to use control panel, users can create and manage MySQL databases, email mailboxes, forwarders, and distribution lists as well as set up and host multiple domains on one server.
ZPanel uses several open-source (or freely available) software packages to provide a secure, web hosting system. It has been in development for nearly 10 years.
Choose the Right Control Panel for Your Web Hosting Needs.
Hosting services allow you to choose which control panels you need to run your website. Hosting providers offer a variety of different control panels, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. To make the best choice for your needs, it’s important to understand which panel will be most appropriate for your hosting account and website.
Some factors you should consider when choosing a control panel include: the number of users you plan to allow on your site, how quickly your website will be ready for launch, how frequently updates or changes will be required, and how easily the panel can be customized or upgraded.
Choose the Right Control Panel
To choose the right control panel for your web hosting needs, you also need to consider the type of hosting service that’s best suited for your site. If you’re using a shared host service, then you’ll want to select a controlpanel thatBased on these factors, there are several popular control panels available online: Plesk Online (, Iron Mountain (, DreamHost (, Bluehost (www.bluehosteracingclubonline).
How to Choose the Right Control Panel for Your Web Hosting Needs.

Hosting services are a vital part of any online business. If you’re looking to set up a web hosting account with a particular company, it’s important to choose one that provides the best control panels for your needs. You’ll want to consider the following factors when choosing a provider:
-The type of hosting service: A hosted website can be used with either Plesk or casa weaver control panels.
-The features offered: Some providers offer multiple controlpanel options, while others only offer Plesk.
-The pricing: Provider prices vary greatly, so it’s important to compare and research before signing up.
-The customer service: Many companies have great customer service teams, but it can also be difficult to get in touch with them if you need help.
-The privacy protection: Control panels are digital and store personal data on host servers, so you want to make sure your data is protected from unauthorized access.
When it comes time to pick the perfect control panel for your web hosting needs, keep these considerations in mind:
-Plesk is an easy and popular host controller that’s widely used by businesses of all sizes.
-It offers many customizable features and is available in several languages.
-Customer support is excellent and gets back to you quickly should you need help setting up or managing your site.
-One downside some customers mention is that Plesk can be expensive at times, but overall it’s a good choice for small businesses who need a standard controller without too much customization potential.
-Casa Weaver is another popular choice for hosts who want more customizability than Plesk offers and has better customer support records than Plesk does. However, Casa Weaver can be a little more expensive than Plesk.
-Both controllers have their pros and cons, so it’s important to compare and decide which one is best for your needs before signing up.
Choosing the right control panel for your web hosting needs can be difficult, but it’s important to choose the one that best meets your specific needs. If you have questions about which controlpanel is right for you, please consult a professional. Thank you for reading!